An de an, de aproape două secole, pe Insula Borkum din Marea Nordului, localnicii participă la Festivalul „Klaasohm”, o tradiție în care bărbații vânează și lovesc femeile cu coarne de taur, fiind încurajați de mulțimea prezentă. Atât presa, cât și orice formă de critică sunt respinse.
The article discusses the German Christmas tradition "Klaasohm", where men dressed as monsters chase and hit women with bull horns on the island of Borkum.
While traditionally seen as harmless and rooted in pagan customs, a recent documentary exposed violent acts and suffering during the festival, prompting public backlash and forced apologies from the organizers. This has led to a potential cancellation of the tradition, sparking a debate about the balance between preserving cultural heritage and protecting against harmful practices.
The main conceptual idea is the clash between tradition and modern values, particularly regarding the treatment of women. The article highlights the need to critically examine traditional practices that may perpetuate harm and violence, even when presented as celebratory.
The article discusses the German Christmas tradition "Klaasohm", where men dressed as monsters chase and hit women with bull horns on the island of Borkum. While traditionally seen as harmless and rooted in pagan customs, a recent documentary exposed violent acts and suffering during the festival, prompting public backlash and forced apologies from the organizers. This has led to a potential cancellation of the tradition, sparking a debate about the balance between preserving cultural heritage and protecting against harmful practices. The main conceptual idea is the clash between tradition and modern values, particularly regarding the treatment of women. The article highlights the need to critically examine traditional practices that may perpetuate harm and violence, even when presented as celebratory.